These days when you read up on anxiety, or when you get help for anxiety, you're most likely to read or to be told about the Cognitive Psychology approach to anxiety. The Cognitive approach is to think of anxiety as a...Read more
Practising Presence in Everyday Life
It is very challenging on a day-to-day basis to remain aware that I am not my thoughts, I am not my feelings, I am not my history and I am not my story. The experience of this human life is so captivating – in all senses...Read more
Seeking, Striving and Self-Acceptance
Your essential Self, your core, your true nature or being, is impeccable, pure and perfect. Maybe you believe that statement, or maybe you don't. Maybe you want to believe it but find it hard to. Maybe the idea resonates as true, but as most people, you have difficulty experiencing that truth,...Read more
Know Thyself
During our initial meeting, a new client recently expressed to me, "Everything you've said to me, I already know. Essentially, I know what the problem is, so I don't know how you could help me." Within a week or two this conversation, a client I have been seeing for a little while expressed the...Read more
Identity (part 2)
Many people think, "I am who I am… I can't change that... And I wouldn't want to change that. This is the way I think. This is how I feel. May be the way I express my thoughts or feelings, and maybe sometimes, how I react, get me in trouble, but this is who I am. Why should I change who I am?"...Read more
Making New Year's Resolutions That You Can Keep
We are all familiar with the struggle to keep the resolutions we've made for the New Year, with following through and accomplishing the goal we've set out for ourselves. This is a very familiar refrain. Even if you are not personally familiar with this difficulty, it is a well-worn theme and a...Read more
Identity (part 1)
We all seek to construct an identity in some way. Human beings are social creatures: not only do we live in a context of social relationships, but one of the distinguishing features of our human brains is the capacity to reflect about ourselves, to think about and construct ideas about ourselves...Read more
Conscious Embodiment
There are so many good self-help books, inspirational books, words of wisdom. Books that cause you to question things, including yourself. Books that help you to see things differently, or to connect with knowledge you already possessed. Books that inspire you to grow and evolve beyond your...Read more
Making Changes, Times of Transition
There are times in our lives when we know we need to make a change. Sometimes the reason for the change is obvious; sometimes the change in itself that we need to make is clear. Sometimes , though, we just have a sense or a feeling that we need to make a change. For example, that an old...Read more
Do you often find yourself in a rush? If your first response is "No," that you're not often in a rush, take a moment to think about that a little more.
First of all, what do you define as being "in a rush?" For most people this probably means being late, feeling some degree of...Read more